The mission of the library media program is to provide a well-organized collection of quality materials and diverse resources that supports the curriculum, increases academic achievement, and encourages the development of lifelong learners and readers.
Your Librarian
Policies and Procedures
Hours of Operation
7:15-2:45 Monday-Friday
The library is open to students in the morning before school. Students wishing to be in the library before school need to pick up a library pass from an administrator in the morning.
The library may be closed at times due to special events.
***Parents now have the ability to receive daily email notifications regarding the materials their child has checked out of the school library. Parents wishing to receive these daily emails should contact their child's school librarian to activate this feature. ***
Library Media Center Expectations
- Show respect for yourself, others, and the library materials
- Be responsible - Help keep the library, green screen room, and materials neat and organized
- Return materials to their proper place
- Remember to check out materials before removing them from the library
- Please do not bring food or drinks into the library
Library Services Offered to Teachers & Students
- Planning with teachers for collaborative lessons
- Book and/or reading recommendations
- Locating and pulling materials for classroom use
- Compilation of topic-specific articles, websites, and texts
- Instruction in the use of the online catalog
- Instruction in the use of online databases
- Instruction of research and source citation
- Green screen recording studio
- Chromebook technology issues
LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER – Information from the Student Handbook
Mrs. Barrett is our library media specialist, and the library media assistant is Mrs. Robinson.
During a regular class period, reading or research may be done in the library with a pass from a teacher. Students are also welcome to visit the library and check out books throughout the day. The library is usually available from 7:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. on school days.
The following are expectations for checking out materials from the LMC:
- A limit of three books per student may be checked out for up to three weeks at a time.
- A student may renew a book by bringing it to the library and asking for an extension.
- Books are expected to be returned or renewed on time. If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair, students must pay the replacement cost of the book through Parent Pay Online.
- Overdue notices will be sent out each week via email to both the student and the parents.
- When checking out a book, students must know their student ID number.
- Never checkout materials for someone else.
- Always return your books to the library book return cart or use the book return slot in the hallway. Never put the book back on the shelf.